Friday, 5 March 2010


I've been having a poke around the internet, and some things stick out as particularly interesting or relevant, so I'm gonna record them here so for ease of reference.

I found this forum on with lots of people with similar stories to mine:

This shot shows how incredibly old the posts all are now though. I looked for ages, but there is no CURRENT forum for pest control, where people are actually receiving responses, which is a little disheartening. (I also like this screenshot because of the adverts: Google has inundated me with pest control services, and then, randomly, at the top, there's an ad for Kath Kidson, surely the antithesis of rodents and household disharmony in general?? lulz.)

This story in particular struck a chord:

This person went on to describe their battle with unhelpful professionals, landlords and neighboiurs, which eventually got resolved after a lot of persistant emails and letters. They had to actually send recordings evidencing the extent of the noises to her property manager before he took serious action, which gives me inspiration for my own situation. Maybe Mr. Lyman will take me seriously if I sent him solid proof of what I'm having to deal with..

I also found this about the sonic repellent devices, which worries me!!:


  1. It doesn't sound like mice (they're not very loud and they'd be coming inside to eat your food) ... but fwiw, I had a 'sonic' pest controller and thought it was a useless waste of money. It did not keep away mice or roaches (both of which it claimed to do on the box)

  2. Our house gets mice from time to time....and they ARE loud, inside the walls, scraping at the plaster. Yes, they do come out but at night or when we're not around.

    We've caught at least five in the past 2 or 3 years. The trick is figuring out how the hell they're getting in...
